Monday, May 16, 2016

The Tide is High

Yay, rain! Where we live, one never complains about the rain.  Ever.  It does not rain enough and we need all we can get when we can get it.  Just know it will rain on the one day when you don't want it to.  You know, the day when there is an outside event planned.  The wedding with the big fluffy dress, the birthday with the bounce house, the anniversary with the fancy dishes and crystal.  Sure, one can make peace offerings to the rain gods, but you know it will rain on that one day. It's Murphy's law, plain and simple.

Today, the rain started out nice and slow.  The kind that soaks into the ground.  By mid-morning, it had grown heavier and heavier.  There was never any thunder, lightening, or strong gusts of wind to indicate bad weather.  There was just rain. Lots and lots of rain. By lunch, water was beginning to stand in places that it doesn't normally stand and the people were starting to talk. By late afternoon, the rain had slowed and the damage had been done.

There was water everywhere!  The rounded top roadways had only the yellow stripe to drive on if your vehicle was high enough.  Bar ditches like rivers. Parking lots were turned into lakes.  Cars looked like boats in their driveways. Buildings flooded. What normally takes less than five minutes to get home, turned into more than 20.  There was no way I could drive my little beep-beep another two miles to check on the property. Damage assessment would have to wait until the next morning.

In the morning at first light, three things became clear. One, while I would never have made it to the property last night, all of the roads were dry in the morning.  The only water remaining were in the low spots and backed up drainage ditches. It is amazing what 12 hours will do for water damage. Secondly, the property fared very well for its location. The tree line where the house is going to be was soggy and the only standing water was in the lowest portion of the lots.

Third, lastly, and thank goodness, I'm sure glad we didn't buy the corner lot. Guess there is something to be said for trees.