Saturday, May 27, 2017



Sundays are supposed to be slow days.  Days spent at home relaxing before the return of the stressful work week.  Sundays at Plan473 are like any other day of the week.  Work.

The Planner was cleaning his shop, the Kid was doing whatever nine-year boys do, and I decided to get out the ever trusty old toothbrush and scrub baseboards.  It hadn't been done in months and months and I decided Sunday was the day.  Yes, I really do scrub the baseboards with a toothbrush.  It is very therapeutic.

Working from the back of the trailer I forward, I decided to clean under the bed first.  This requires the removal of all clothing storage boxes and a headlamp.  Just as I was climbing under to remove the last box I noticed a stain on the door frame.

What turned out as a stain was a major water leak from the shower.  The corner seal has a small tear, maybe two inches, at the height of my shoulders.

The Planner removed the flooring and I removed the old caulking. The entire bathroom was removed of old caulk with the use of a razor blade and a fine tip pick.  Both jobs were tedious.

The more the floor was removed the more the damaged was observed. This would explain why the storage door had not been shutting correctly.  And here I blamed the dog for laying against it every night.  Poor dog-o-head.

The entire bed storage, bathroom, and kitchen area were removed of the laminate and plywood under lay exposing the weather treated 3/4" plywood base. Gonna take several weeks for this to dry out before new flooring can be installed. Good grief.

What was gonna be several weeks has turned into maybe a month.  The rainstream attacks once again!  And here you thought we lived in a 1968 Airstream.  Nope, it is rainstream.  Let me explain how an Airstream is designed: layers of thin aluminum overlapping layers of thin aluminum held together in place with rivets and sealed with caulk.  When things get old, water seeps in between the layers resulting in leaks in a thousand different directions.  Water wicking is an amazing.  Did you know water can wick up a vertical line?  It's true.  Google it.

Yes, the rainstorm on Tuesday was quite a show.  There was lightning.  There was thunder clapping.  There wind.  There was lots and lots of rain.

It lasted for ever.  How come storms like this only ever happen in the wee hours of the morning?  Even taking refuge in the under the bed storage the dog had fitful nights rest and slept all morning at work with me as result.

She slept so hard I thought she was dead!  Seriously.  The mail lady came by and she didn't move.  A co-worker came into the office and she didn't move.  The only thing she did in a three hour period was move her foot.

Upon closer inspection, her nose was cold and wet.  Whew.  While the dog was sleeping at work, the Planner was stuck in the rainstream.  Towels under every window and shoved next to the door.  Towels on the floor to catch the water running in from the roof vents.  Towels to collect water dripping in from who knows where.  What does this means for us?  Well, when the weather clears up, it means every caulk seal on the outside must be stripped and recaulked.  Very time consuming and labor intensive.  Yuck, yuck, yuck.

When the rain finally started to dry out on Thursday, some of the most amazing tracks were discovered.  Just in this one picture, there are neighbor dog prints, raccoon prints, and something creepy dragging who knows what prints.  Space aliens?  Space aliens seem to be the standard default answer for all things unexplained at Plan473.

Thursday evening closed out with the most spectacular sunset.


On a side note, the water that normally covers the driveway seems to finally have found a path of removal with the help of the tractor, the Worrier, and the Planner.  Yeah.  This means I can park less than a quarter mile away and not have to slug through ankle deep muck to get to and from the house.  It is the little things in life, right?