Thursday, November 23, 2017

Watered Up


Here today, gone tomorrow. Truer words have not been spoken about Texas weather.  Two days ago it it was 33℉ and snowing.  Today, it is sunny and upper 60's. Crazy.

The last two weeks were busy, busy.  The next coming weeks are busy.  Not busy, busy.  Just busy.  With the prep work done, now the real work begins.  Holes for conrete footings were dug and the following morning they were more than half way filled with water.  Don't have any drinking water but dig a hole and bam, brackish water.

Waiting for the water to drain out of the holes, a much needed break from work was taken and odd ends and bits were completed.  Having started a grass cage for the chickens weeks ago, I finally got around to planting the grains.  The ground in their run was turned over and the seeds were scattered on top.  It drove the chickens absolutely crazy that they could not reach the tasty grains.

Patience is not a word in their vocabulary.  Once a light layer of dirt was spread across the grains, the grass box was placed above it to protect against the grain vultures.

Amazingly in five short days the peppers had fresh green winter rye.  Since the storm, they have had very little roughage in their diet.  Guess there was not enough time for the grass to reestablish itself before fall.  What grows over night thru the mesh netting is mowed down by day break in the morning.  We conclude they sit on their roosting bars impatiently waiting for dawn to rise and then it is a fight down the ramp.  First come, first serve.  Or in this case, she who rules the roost wins.  These two (the black sussex and the barred rock) are the two queen bees.

The Planner took time to redesign the frame work as the Work boxes will hold more weight than the Shop boxes.  He also spent time researching the best way to easily remove the water from the holes as it looks like the water may never drain away.  As soon as the holiday season is over, we plan to pour footings. It is amazing how much work was done in just under a month.  Can't believe the end of the year is already gonna be here.