Monday, September 24, 2018

The Better to See With

You can't even tell last Monday there was standing water after Plan473 attempted to be washed off the face of the map.  Hurricane Harvey was wind last year. Flooding was the 17+ inches of rain in two days last week.  Can't even tell.  Look how dry the sand is.  Good 'ol Texas heat.

With things drying out the Work Box had windows installed. Unlike the windows in the Kid's Box, these are new construction windows.  The local hardware box store did not have replacement windows in this size or design.  Trying to keep to the off the shelf construction to make repairs easier, new construction windows were used.

Modified.  But used all the same.  In new construction windows, there is a plastic flange used to attach the window the wooden frame.

With a simple removal process provided by a jigsaw, all four sides were removed then sanded down for smoothness.  Did not want to repeat the door issue again.  Having extra room between the window and the metal window frame was key.

Views out of the windowless windows are bright and clear.  It is also wet and dark.  Can't leave the hatch propped open when there is even just the slightest bit of dew or mist or fog as it all settles inside the box.  Not good.  Water on Work Box materials leads to rust.  Can't sell rusty parts. So any day that has moisture caused the hatches to be closed, resulting in dark working conditions.

With the corners trimmed and sanded the window slid in easy peasy.  It even had to be held in place with a spacer.  Wind might be altered by only having half the window, but not the light.  Light is important as there is no artificial lighting installed as of yet.

The view from the outside is just as good as the view from the inside.  The premade windows make the metal box look more habitable.  Homey.

To seal the windows into place, caulk was decided against as it takes time to dry and rain was in the forecast again at the end of the week.  Today may only be Monday but it would be nice if the windows had a good two or three days to remain closed to allow for the great stuff filling to set in place.  Great stuff is great stuff.  This blob next to the dime was the size of a marble when tested for expansion capacity.  A couple of hours later, wham, three times the size at the size of a golf ball.  If great stuff works, this will be considered for the house windows whenever we get to those.  After installing the Kid's windows and now these windows, prefab windows are definitely the choice. Deciding on how to seal is still up for debate.  These windows are much, much larger than those in the Kid's box and they open left to right instead of up and down but they are only available in new construction.  If great stuff does not work, we may be forced to buy the smaller windows.  Boo.  I really like the full top to bottom screen.    Here's hoping to the great stuff really being great stuff.