Saturday, June 8, 2019

Doing the Monarch Caterpillar Chomp

On one of my many numerous trips across the deck, I happen to glance over and notice a marvel. Another monarch caterpillar chomping away on a tropical milkweed flower bud.  Unlike the leaf chomper, this caterpillar was chomping as if his life depended on it.  In a way, I guess it does.  Also, unlike the leaf chomping video, this video contains no video editing as is filmed in real time.  In a little over five minutes, a bud the size of a soybean was completely devoured. Completely fascinating.

And if the bud chomping monarch caterpillar wasn't enough excitement for one day, look what the Planner discovered! Tropical milkweed sprouts from self pollination. Over a dozen, too.  Plan473 did not even have to wait until next year for more plants. In two short months, this little plant has grown and pollinated and prolificated.  What's better, if you look closely on the picture you can see more pollination spores laying atop of the mulch.