Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Aah, Middle School

The Kid is going to middle school.  And after a long summers of "I'm bored", "its hot", and general complaining, I can't say that I am sad to see him go.  Middle school here is a major change from elementary school as I guess it is in most public school settings. I went to a elementary/middle school where there were two teachers for every grade and less than 50 kids per grade.  My middle school years had the same eight teachers, two of which were the same from years previous as they were the art/computer/music teacher and the PE coaches.  To say the least I went to school with the same 40 or so kids from Kinder - 8th grade.  The remaining 10 or so kids rotated in and out.

Last week was open house/student orientation.  Not required but recommended, this kid was all about it. Most students would groan, grumble, and complain at being dragged to orientation. Not reminding their parents daily and then pacing with anticipation the day of.  Crazy kid.

Yesterday, we had to run over to the next larger city and get shoes.  Had all other means for school supplies except the shoes.  No time like the present.  Look how big his shoes are.  They are a men's 5.5! This the kid who just out grew toddler waist shorts has a foot big enough to ski. Maybe this is a size of the things to come. Or he could just be one of those men with feet to large for his frame, like a family friend David N.  Yes, David N. as there are about a dozen Davids between family and family friends.  David must have been a popular name during my parents generation.  Anyhoo... David N. is over 5'5" and has a size 15.5 shoe.  Talk about skies.  The Kid could be one his way to personal skies at this rate.

This morning the Kid was ready for school with his power shirt (one his sailing Regatta shirts), two working watches to make sure he is not late, a quick one last new shoe smell, and he was out the door.  Of course, this was not before eating with his comforts: one toddler monkey blanket and his beloved Raffi.  Not quite a tween just yet.

This afternoon was altogether another story.  Treating the Kid to pizza for dinner, we sat at the table and read thru and signed each student/teacher and parent/student/teacher contract.  After the third teacher's warning against messy, ill kept binders, the Kid was done with schooling for the year.

Aah, a tween after all...