Sunday, February 2, 2020

Driveway Rodeo

Being an adult can be no fun.  Since moving to Plan473, we have been using our neighbors driveway.  Deciding to be an adult, the first steps in the long process of making our driveway were taken back in December during Ground Maintenance Week.  

Not one necessarily better but our own.  So if and when it does rain and we make a giant mess with trucks and trailers and tractors, repair work can be done at our own time to our own benefit.  A culvert and 50' of gravel were a nice start.

Since then, the remaining 200' dirt driveway has been well used and loved.  The ground has developed roadway tracks with grass patches in the middle and pot holes where water sits when wet.  Unlike the old driveway, this dirt is slightly less sticky and leads straight to the door steps.  Last week during one of the neighbors' monthly trips home, he offered up his pile of roadbed rocks for cheap.  Cheap, cheap.

These were rocks he brought home from being a rock delivery driver for usage on his own driveway. many months back.  Now with him driving the county for work, his driveway is not needed as much as his need for money.

So for the cost of a Benjamin and the promise to smooth out his very lumpy yard (Smokey likes to dig holes to China, Brazil, and the Netherlands) we acquired an 16ton dump of recycle concrete bedrock.  Score!  Just over another 100' of gravel road.  What a start to a beautiful well rocked driveway.