Sunday, November 27, 2016

Well Wired for Shower

Can't believe another week has gone by.  Seriously need to consider taking a real vacation.  Go hiking or camping or something.  This work, work, work all day long can get to be just too much. The rational part of the mind says "look at all the was accomplished in these few days", "your now living the long-lived dream", "time spent with family is never time wasted".  Yada, yada, yada.  All I know is tomorrow is Monday and I have to go back to work.  Tired, not rested.  All that work and only a few projects were done.  Mainly, the shower.  Using the same shop vacuum method, electricity was running the full width of the property, 250 feet.  While taking just a little longer in the process, everything worked exactly the same.  Excellent.  Of course, this was 12guage wire, not 8guage as before so I am sure this helped.

The only thing different was the mess created from the kite string and nylon rope.  It was like a mad spider attacked me. The kite string was a lost cause.  There were just too many knots to salvage.  When pulling the nylon rope, the kid was used to help lay it out as it was pulled.  This helped but it was still a process to roll it back onto the spool neatly.

Once the wire was pulled, the wires were attached to the well. After fixing the original wiring done by the well company to something more user-friendly, the well was wired and working.  All that was left was the running of the PVC from the well to the shower by the RV pad site.

Things were going easy until the bend by the septic tank.  Let me just say me and the one-inch mark.  It shows its ugly head when you least expect it.  Like when the local hardware stores are closed and there are no parts to replace the mess up forcing me to drive 20minutes to the box store.  Ugh, commuting.   Not only did I mess up on the measurement, the angle was miscalculated.

New parts and an hour later, the PVC lines were completed. The post was installed, the hose bib was installed, and the garden hose was attached.  Now to test the pressure. This was a new concept.  Did not realize water coming into a home was regulated.  Makes sense once it was been explained.  How else would the city line be able to move those distances?

The pump was turned, water ran out with enough pressure, and the salt still remained.  Damm, no salt fairies came to steal the salt away.  It is only for showering.  It is only showering.  It is only for showering.  Positive, positive, positive.  To the quote, the Planners favorite saying: "How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time."