Thursday, December 8, 2016

Storage Tanks

After several set backs from incorrect equipment and bad weather, Plan473 finally has WiFi.  Now that I know what the WiFi connection looks like, I am realizing that even more residents and businesses of this fine county have WiFi service from this local mom and pop provider. It saddens my heart even more about the level of services unavailable in these great states.  But alas, internet is internet and beggars cannot be choosy.  Cause let me tell you, two weeks without any internet was more than we could handle.  No Pandora, no blog, no Pandora, no dregs complaining about the great state of affairs, no videos, no Pandora, and no ereaders.  Did I mention no Pandora?  It was painful. 

Since finding out last weekend about our source of free water, it has been very busy here at Plan473.  VERY BUSY.  There were phone calls to make, internet searches to scour through, and decisions to make.  All of which needed to be done post haste.  The Planner, as his name suggests, likes to plan things thoroughly.  While normally this produces great results because all angles, pro/cons, and alternatives have been discussed, this process can take weeks.  Weeks, as in three or four and sometimes even five.  There were not weeks to be had.  Once the decision was made to be allowed access to the water, the collection process needed to start quickly.  Being a glass is half empty kinda person, the Planner was worried the gift was to be removed if we waited to long.  Gifts with a expiration date are really not gifts at all.  Nothing worse than going to get a chunk of hard salami and cheese from the holiday gift set box and discover the meat had gone rancid.  Ugh.

Luckily, water collection tanks are something the Planner has had many years of experience with.  There was the farmer he worked with for many years who had several tanks of different varieties and sizes.  Then there was the massive collection tank at the Worrier's home.  This tank was ridiculous is size.  It came cheaply, as in free, because it had a hole the size of a large man in the fiberglass wall.  But once repaired from the inside out, it worked well.  Seriously, it was so tall, two or three people could have stood head to toe and still not reached the top.  So knowing how he wanted the tanks to work, it was a matter of determining how big of a tank was needed and where to purchase.  Of course, more in always better and more is always more money.  However, water is more precious than gold, so a bigger tank was purchased.   Actually, two smaller 3000gallon tanks were purchased.  The plan is, once both tanks are filled, to use the water from one tank completely and before switching to the second tank.  If designed correctly, there should always be around 2000gallons of water in storage.

As if there is nothing else going on, the kid and the Planner left mid week to big city #1 to pick up the tanks.  *Did you notice we still have no freaking cell service during the middle of the night?*  **Yes, my alarm says "Ugh work".  It is a long story and has nothing to do with my current job.  Yes, the alarm title could be changed but this has become a daily reminder on how good life is right now.  If things get stressful and are decisions become unsure all I have to do is remember where I was August of 2014 when this title was created.**  Being they left at the crack of dark, the boys were there and back in a day.  Since it was literally less than a mile a way, they are at my favorite Mexican food restaurant.   Damn, the luck.  Sometimes having the paying job is no fun at all.  Sure, it allows us to work on Plan473 but it does not allow for me to eat yummy cheese enchies or the best greasy cheese burger for lunch mid week.  Bummer.

Before installation, the area the tanks will be stored was cleaned, leveled, and prepared.  Getting the tanks on the trailer took two men.  Getting the tanks off the trailer could have used three or four men. Pushing and grunting, shoving and muttering explicit, the tanks were unloaded and in place.

Now the fun begins, how to design the water management system.  It is a good thing the Planner likes to think because planning this will take some creative thinking as the system will be complex.  The system has to be able to transfer water from the IBC tote on the truck, to the IBC tote where the daily water allotment will be stored, to one or both storage tanks, and have the ability to transfer back and forth across each of these. There is rate of flow, water pressure, pumps, valves, and so many other components to consider.  Nothing about this management system will be as simple as turning a valve on and off. 

Like I said, it is good thing the Planner enjoys thinking.  Not me, thinking makes my brain hurt.  Just after moving these tanks into place I was so tired I found this sticker just absolutely funny.  What else are you supposed to do with a water storage tank?  Cut the top off and go swimming?  Hey, that is not a bad idea.  These tanks are cheaper than installing a pool and are lots deeper.  Like we have water for a swimming pool.  Anyhoo, back to work.  The platform for the management system still needs to be built.  And let me tell you know, the ideas for this platform must have come from the designers of Noah's Ark.  It will be stout.  Just you wait and see.