Have I ever mentioned my life is LOUD. There is the Kid who came into the world loud, the chompy dog who barks at her own shadow, your shadow, and invisible shadows, the tools, and now the rooster. LOUD. Well SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY started another couple of loud days. It all started off with something so simple. Cutting a whole in the side of the conex box so an electrical cord could be ran to the power pole outside.
It was so loud it vibrated the camcorder. Okay, not really. But cutting the hole really did cause a vibration within the building and that was recorded. Honestly don't know how The Planner can even hear. It was so LOUD outside the box I was trying to film and hold my ears closed. Really could have used two additional arms.
The hole was cut and the electrical cord was inserted. Ahh, progress. Don't want to get ahead of ourselves so after the hole was cut, we called it a day.
Monday, however. Monday - Wednesday was a get off your feet and get your bottom in gear day. The Planner and the Kid worked their little fingers to the bone. A new plasma cutter was unveiled and used and used and used. Totally tested and put its warranty to use. Machines don't fail after time, they fail after usage.
The second the Planner did in the modification of the conex for wall removal was the creation of this magnetic straight rule. Badass magnets were ordered online, holes were drilled into the straight rule, and then magnets were tamped into the holes. Easy peasy.
Now straight lines can be drawn for easy plasma cutting removal. Having to hold the straight rule and the torch would require additional hands. Mmm. Wasn't that already mentioned once in this post????
Walls were supported. Walls removed. Openings and hatches were ground smooth of cut marks, torch debris, and old rust. Openings and hatches were painted. Ladders went up. Ladders went down. Hammers were hammered all around. All of this over a three day period. The Planner worked and worked and worked.
Grinders, hammers, drills, plasma cutters all loud, loud, loud. In fact the only thing quite during this three day work-a-thon was the painting. Guess in order to accomplish this Plan473, hearing protection will just have to become a new fashion trend. Hope the neighbors are cool with loud. Because things are going to get even louder before it is all said and done.
The only saving grace to all this work having been done was the weather. After being in the upper ninety's last Wednesday, yesterday started off in the low 60's. I'm telling you, global warming is all messed up this year. Cooler days with few clouds were nice for this late in the year. However, the wind could have calmed down just a little. When watching the video, notice the blue conex door closing all on it own. Breezy is an understatement this year. Let's hope the weather hold until Monday. There are some more busy days ahead.