Friday, December 8, 2017

Global Colding

In your best Scooby Doo voice: Ruh Roh.  The year started with a freeze, heated to an epic hurricane, and looks like its gonna end with snow.  Crazy! 

All of this beautiful winter wonderland and we were not at Plan473 to experience it.  Boo-hoo.

We were in Big City #2 visiting family for the purchase the new business.  Plan473 had almost 3" inches of snow. Three glorious fluffy inches of snow.

Big City #2 barely had enough to have a snowball fight.

But don't worry, we are Texans.  Whenever there is snow, no matter how little or for how long it lasts, two things are guaranteed.  School will be canceled and children all across snow-filled yards will be building snowmen. Texas style.